Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Trimble Games

Trimble games this year consisted of a marshmellow-eatting contest, a crazy (blind folded) maze, the X game, in honor of Grandpa Trimble we had a duck tape game which Kris & Amy were duck taped and mad to go over obstacles........Another Trimble game success.....
Click to play

Christmas with the Trim's

Christmas evening.....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

new picture time.....

picture day has been changed to the day after Thanksgiving, same place Grandpa T's Farm....colors have also been changed to something bright and whatever you'd like!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Best Grandparents EVER!

The 3 oldest grandchildren graduated from elemtary this past year, so Grandma & Grandpa took the four oldest Holden, McKailey, Sisley & Tristen to Disneyland for elem. Graduation! They had a blast. When Lisa and I went to pick them up from the airport they giggled in the back the whole way home. I didn't dare to send them with my camera, but did buy them each a desposable one.
Thanks Grandma & Grandpa! We love you!